Thursday, November 29, 2012

BLOG #22


[ 5:00 ]

So what is your name?

What grade are you in?


and how old are you?


Do you enjoy listening to music?


What is your favorite kind of music?


Rap? Is that there a reason why that’s your favorite kind of music?
Because my brother got me into and uh we both like listening to it and its really fast and  all like boyish cause I like being boyish.

Um so you like being boyish?

Well your athletic, so that probably why?
And I sports with them

So how many do you think you listen to music daily? Like how many times a day?
Like 3 or 4 times

Do you know like know when?  In the morning?
In the morning, after school, on the way home from school on the radio, to school on the radio and like sometimes I like have my headphones and listen to it on my ipad and sometimes I have practice after school so I listen to on the way there

Do you listen to when you are at practice?
No not really

Because it is outside, right?

Um, so do you listen to music with your freins a lot?

Do you like, can you like describe a particlur time where you were hanging out listening to music or hanging out together listening?
At the social


So were you like dancing or singing along?
We were like Dancing

Were you singing the words to the song?
Uh for some of the songs

Do you know which songs they were?

But what kind of songs did you know? Like the upbeat ones you hear on the radio?
Yeah, like the ones that everybody knows

Was there a dj?
Yeah, he was an old dude but he played good music

So do your friends like the same music youd do?
Yeah, well some of them don’t like rap but I like the other faster kind, like rap is kind of like the faster kind. And gangman style, some people just don’t like rap but thye like the other songs

Do you like rap because its faster?
It just like has a lot of curse words and stuff and makes me feel all like “homie”

Do you say the curse words? Do you think its alright?
Yeah, especially when its on the clean version I think its alright. Beause sometimes there is the occasional “ass” on the clean version.

So if its clean you can say it?

Can you describe one of your facorite songs?

Who is by?
Lil wayne and I think its kanye west

How does it go?
She sings it and includes curses (lots of them that say “ass”)

You know all the words?
Yeah, basically

And its fast too, right?

So why do you like that song so much? Is it that word? Or how it sounds?
Because of the beat an dbecause my friends like that and it gets me in the mood for soccer

Because its an upbeat kind of song and I like to listen to music before soccer games cause like im in the car and my dad usually brings me to soccer and h
E listen to normal songs and they are slow and then I hum the songs in the game and it isn’t good when I have the bad songs in my head, like the slow songs. I like the fast songs, cause they are like tought

So they make you feel tought?

So your friends kind of like the same music as you? But why don’t you think they like some? Can you think of a song they don’t ike that you do?
Um I like one one direction siong and some people are like how do you like that, you listen tor ap how do you like that?

Um why do you think people that don’t like it don’t like it?
Cause I usually hang out with people who do sports, like the tougher people, and the girls I hang out with don’t think its like cool to like that kind of song cause you are supposed to be all tough

So most of your friends know the words to most of that you know?

Like the popular songs? So like that you really like, do you listen to them everyday?
Yeah, kind of

How many times do youy thinkj?

How long does it take you to remember a song you think?
Um well like most of the new songs are on the radio a lot and since im in the car listening to the radio I hear them a lot. And when I like a song a lot ill listen to it on my ipad so like probably like 5 days.

What happens if the song is really popular and your with your friends and they don’t know the words to the song?

Does that happen?

No, ususally everyone knows the words to the son

Imagine if someone came into class singing call me maybe and one person didn’t know the words? What would you think?
And we are like “do you not know what that song is?” it is weird

Do you think youneed to know certain songs to fit in?

Do you listen to music in school?

Do you have music class?
Yeah but since we go to catholic school its all “gody music” and its not my style

Do you think its harder to remember that because its not your style?
Well,like I just did a play and I kind of wanted to cause everyone had to and I wanted to learn quick and first and I wouldn’t want to if no one else did but since everyone was I mine as well do it to.

Do you think you wanted to because it was important to be that part?
Yeah, it was my responsilibty

If it were school and you had to memorize it would you?
Yeah but I rather listen to thinkgs on the radio. If you listen to gody music outside of music class you are considered a “los-a status”

So you like the sound of music and pace?


Do you understand what the words in song mean?
Some of them, most of them

Can you give me an example of song?
I learned in one song the word provocative and it means like and that your trying to be sexy and you don’t have a lot of clothes on.

So you asked your mom what it means?

Do you think its cool to know that?
Um no, but when I learned it, I sang it a lot more and on the bench for bball I would say “what, that’s provactive”

Because you knew what it mean?
Yeah because you cant sing it if you don’t know because then people be like well what does that mena

So you feel cool you know it?

Do you ever sing a song at social acitivity?

Is it fun?

Why do you think its fun?
Because its something we can boith relate to and we can make up dances and sing it its something to do

So if she didn’t know the words it would nt be fun?
Yeah because then we have to do a different song?

Do yo remember that girl you told me new all the rap parts? Did you thik that was cool?
Yeah and then I didn’t know it so I had to go and learn it

Can you tell me why some people might not like a polular song?
Well, like the one direvtiont hing people think they have to be tough if they are on sports. And a kid on my soccer team says “mercy” is stupid because they sing in weird high bvoices but it makes it different. Hes a hater though.

Do you like to sing song to your friends they don’t know?

What do you think they think about that?
Like maybe they would want to learn that song. If my friend lauren didn’t know a song, she would say “oh im gunna get that song when I get home” and we tell eachother that. The next time we would always listen ot it and we will both know it to sing it.

Why do you think its easy to memorize songs?
From listening to so many times.

Don’t you wish schhol work was like that?
Yeah, sometimes we used songs to memorize the layers of the earth and its rap and I like it and I still know the words.

Can you sing it?
sang it

then in class I would raise my hand and say I knew it already and sang it to the class

did they think it was cool?
Yeah, they wanted to learn it to

So if you like it you remember it more?
Yeah becayse it has a rhtym that I like

Is there any part of the song you remember faster?
Yeah, the chorus or the part I like the most

Why is iut the easitest?
For the song in the play, it was a part that everyone liked nad it sounded good and we had to do something with our arms so it was easier to remember

Is there cerain things oyu mess up on?

Can you give me an example?
For gangman style but its south Korean

Why do u mess up on certain parts than others?
Cause I didn’t focus on parts, usually the second verse cause the first everyone really remembers

When you want to learn a song what do you do?
Listen to over and iover again

Uou don’t look up the lyrics?
Well if I want to know it fast, I will youtube the song with lyrics and listen and watch them righ there.

So its right infront of your face?
Yeah its cool

What if someone says the wrong words? Do you get in arrguments about the words?
There was abig fight in school one day becasuse people were in an argument about the words of the song.

It was a huge argument?
Yeah betweemt the class

So its part of school? You talk about it?
Yeah we talk about music

So do you think you remembner because you like it?
Yeah or if everyone else knows

What if you don’t know the words in the song? Do you always ask your mom?
If I didn’t know it, I wold just look it up on my ipad or something or google it knows everything.

Is there any other stories yu can think of?

Nothing? No fun things you did with songs?
Well yeah me and my friend imitated Justin beiber and we sang a song and made a video of it and it was really fun and we like acted it out.

So its really social?
Yeah you are always talking about. Even in school you are mouthing the words. Cause this kid, cause we have a cool group in the shoool.

Are you in the cool group?
Yeah its me and 3 othe rpeople

Wow, that’s limited!
So I was like mouthing the first part of the song and then he finished it but then lauren didn’t know the words so she had to go home and remember it.

So you told lauren about the song?
And yeah and she came back and could sing with veryone. I told her in the summer and then she came back to schhol and new the entire thing.

Oh wow! Well is there anything else?

Well you did an awesome job!
Thanks, wait is it on?

Just so you know Meagan o’callahan is an awesome girl!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

BLOG #21

Reflection on Short Analysis:

  • I realized that I have to add more detail into my introduction & set it up more to talk about how specific comments are effective.
  • I learned to strengthen my features and add more of other research to strengthen it.
  • Set up statements before my data to explain.
  • Add more about other aspects of the research, such as the general commets. 
  • How to organize it better --> using the proper headings that fit my research.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

BLOG #20

1.  What are the strengths your writing for the introduction?  What do you need to work on? 

I think my introduction does a good job setting up what my research is about but I think it needs more detail.

What are the strengths of your writing for the review of the literature?  What do you need to work on?

My literature review summarizes what I thought the two research proposals stated but I am still worried that I didn't understand it completely.
2. What is the research problem identified in your introduction?  How do you point out what your research project will contribute toward resolving this "problem"?  In other words, what have you written about  the importance of your project for writing studies?

My research problem is:There are studies that show that melody and tune have no contribution towards memorization. In my research I will explore how melody is associated with how language phrases affect memorization.

I used the literature review to show that my my research problem has been discussed by other researchers but I don't have anything in it that sets up how I am going to "resolve the problem."
3. What have other researchers found out about your topic that is relevant to your research project?

I believe that both research found that that melody and tune has no contribution towards long-term memory.

4.  How do you connect findings from question 3 to the purpose of your project?

It backs up my idea that there are other motivations to why people memorize songs.
5.  What is your plan for finishing/revising your introduction and literature review?

I need to add more detail to the introduction and the literature review, state why it is important, and expand on how I am going to expand on the problem.

6.  What feedback do you want from me?

Some advice on how to add detail to the introduction and literature review without being too repetitive and if the information in the literature review is completely accurate. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

BLOG #19

Sara Paczkowski
Research Proposal


Some may say that remembering a song has to do with this melody, repetition and tune but other studies show that this is not always true. There are studies that show that melody and tune have no contribution towards memorization. In my research I will explore how melody is associated with how language phrases affect memorization.

Is it true that music is easy to remember because of its catchy chorus or melody? Do people choose to remember lyrics because they favor it more? Would someone be able to remember the words to a song that they didn’t like? Songs can be used as a pneumonic device but there is no research that says that songs will always help with long-term memory. In the following research, I will investigate how ulterior motives may have an effect on how individuals memorize lyrics.


            Research conducted by Rainey and Larason, Two songs were song, "pop goes the weasel" and "yankee doodle" were played and measured the number of trials to learn the list initially and the number of trials to learn the list a week later. After coding and analyzing, the researched concluded that there was no advantage of the music but the participants, but the individuals who heard the sung version required fewer trials to relearn them.

After the lyrics were read with no rhythm, read with influence of rhythm and read with rhythm and beat, there was no significant difference in verbatim recall of the total lyrics. The combination
of melody, rhythm and text is the promoter to relearn because of information but it doesn't measure long-term recall.

         In other research conducted by Whitney Sim’s, spoken words and sung words (at different paces) were played to participants and how accurately they recalled the words were recorded. She hypothesized, that the slower the song tempo was, the more likely it would be remembered. Contrary to her hypothesis, spoken words were remembered better than sung words.
In conclusion, no response of memory was due to presentation of rate. It pointed out that more the only meaningful memorizations of songs were when the text connected to a melody that was already known. Therefore, the more meaningful the text was, the more it created a difference in initial learning. Consequently, memorization did not have to do with pace or melody, but “dual-coding,” which is the combination of knowing a previous song with new words.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

BLOG #18

Revised Short Analysis:

Sara Paczkowski
Sample Analysis Draft
SAMPLE 3- Does the way a teacher use text specific comments demonstrate expectations?

The Use of Teacher’s Comments to Demonstrate Expectations

            Teacher feedback gives information about material and can provide a substantial effect on a student’s revision. The use of specific words has an effect on how a student's perception.  Since language is an effective way to communicate, teacher's use a form of written feedback to reference and inform students what and how to revise. Some research may challenge that written feedback does not provide specific expectations but the following research provides evidence that text specific comments do infer additional resources and information. By using specific comments, the students are able to better comprehend their expectations; therefore,  the students consider making more positive revisions.

            In order to conduct this research, I used the sample 3 draft to analyze. I reviewed each comment and coded them using the analytic model, by comment types, specific and general. ). I reflected back on the revised piece and highlighted where the most change took place. Then, I counted the number of revisions made using the comment and which kind of revision (either adding, deleting, rearranging, or substituting I separated the number of revisions between the text-specific comments and the generic comments. After researching the data, I realized the amount of revision was more significant by the text specific comments. Therefore, my data showed that the more text specific the comments were, the more effective the revision was. 


Analytic Model

# of Revisions:


# of Revision: 

ask for info/questions: "What defines the identity toolkit for beauty writers?  What purpose, networks for communication, values/assumptions, lexis, style  etc defines a person as a freelance beauty writer? "

4 (substansive-much more information, 2 more paragraphs of info)
hedges included- "can you..."

2 (added more info and rearranged)

make a request/question-" so beauty writers select their own images?  Do they work with photographers or do they take their own pictures?"3-make a
(substansive-added more in depth information)
average: "work on your intro. this is too general.

1 minor (deleted some info, added different info)

"What defines the identity toolkit for beauty writers?  What purpose
2 (subsanstive- added information with definition and explanation)
 long: "This is good!"
0 (no change was made)

make a request imperative- "Use your analysis to make some generalizations
3 (much more in depth and referring back to previous references)

"Awesome!So this is a pattern of talk (and way of behaving as you point out in the next paragraph)  a fashion freelancer would need to master."
0 (text specific to the subject but was positive, no changes were made)


 I hypothesized that text specific comments and are more effective than generic comments.  Although, general comments also convey information, the text-specific comments gave more information on how to revise and a clear indication of what the teacher expected.

When referring back to the areas where specific comments were made, the revisions were much more detailed and answered the questions the professor made and also incorporated what the professor asked for. Therefore, the student was aware that in that part of the essay the professor was expecting a certain change and the student made the change in order to obtain the grade he/she wanted.

    Specific comments, such as "What defines the identity toolkit for beauty writers?  What purpose, networks for communication, values/assumptions, lexis, style, etc. defines a person as a freelance beauty writer?" asks questions and the student can infer that the professor would expect an answer, that is why a professor gives specific feedback.
If the professor did not use specific language to infer what he/she wanted, it would lack the information a  student would need to make effective revisions. Therefore, general comments may convey information but not enough to really support a student to succeed the best to their ability. If the comments are clear and specific enough, the student will  be able to make the correct changes.

The areas where the teacher didn’t make specific comments, such as “good observation!” the student didn't make as many changes because that type of comment shows that it was written well enough to keep the same and it didn't infer any type of change to be made. Therefore, the language selection when giving comments is extremely important and can be used differently.

 Another general comments, such as “"work on your intro. this is too general." shows  expectations by saying change needs to be made, but not at the same degree as a more specific comment. This type of comment could make a student work a little harder, but it doesn't give enough detail to provide expectations.

Therefore, when a teacher writes specific comments, it gives students a certain idea of what the teacher expects. Thus, a student will have a better idea on how to make the necessary changes in order to develop the most effective paper. Ultimately, it is a helpful tool for students to use in order enhance their writing skills and succeed in the classroom.


There was a wide range of comments that were used in this draft.  Both general and specific comments were encouraging, detailed and unbiased. The comments were clear and to the point and were not discouraging.

The comments that were used were encouraging and positive. Therefore, I inferred that if a student feels better about the comments because they are detailed, positive and clear, they are less likely to feel discouraged and more likely to make the necessary changes. Consequently, the way the teacher provides text-specific comments should be positive and clear, not overwhelming and discouraging.

General comments, such as “"work on your intro. this is too general." also shows expectations by saying change needs to be made but not at the same degree as a more specific comment. This type of comment makes a student work a little harder to use the rest of the comments as a guide.


Because there were text specific comments, such as giving imperative requests such as "hit the general overview of gee and swales," I observed that comments can be useful in order for a teacher to present what they are looking for, and for a student to be aware of their expectations. Positive text-specific comments give specific insight to what a teacher wants and in what capacity. Being positive and clear is also an important factor because it motivates students and does not discourage them. Consequently, it is an opportunity to comprehend the changes needed in order to get a better grade. In each part of the essay where the professor made text specific comments, the student made substantial improvements in order to meet the professor’s expectations.

General comments give detail and expectations but may not give enough detail in order to support a professor’s broader expectations. Therefore the revisions may not be as substantive.


Since I chose to do the sample draft I sent in, I am familiar with comments and how they helped me become aware of what was expected. If someone is not familiar with the assignment, they might not think that the comments were that specific. Also, if they did not have the revisions, they would not know what specific changes the student made. Since I knew that I revised the paper accordingly and received a better mark, I know that the text-specific comments were able to show me what the teacher was expecting in certain places of my essay.


I believe that text specific comments and feedback to give enough information to a student to make proper revisions to meet the professor’s expectations.