Sample 3
Does the way a teacher construct comments demonstrate expectations?
analytic model:
2- average: "work on your intro. this is too general."3- long: "What defines the identity toolkit for beauty writers? What purpose, networks for communication, values/assumptions, lexis, style etc defines a person as a freelance beauty writer?"
comment types:
1-ask for info/questions: "What defines the identity toolkit for beauty writers? What purpose, networks for communication, values/assumptions, lexis, style etc defines a person as a freelance beauty writer? "
2-make a request/question-" so beauty writers select their own images? Do they work with photographers or do they take their own pictures?"3-make a request/statement- "Hit the general overview of features in Gee + Swales"
7-make a positive comment, statement- "Good observation about the adjectives!"
4- make a request imperative- "Use your analysis to make some generalizations"
use of hedges:
1- hedges included- "can you..."
0- generic
1- text specific- "Awesome! So this is a pattern of talk (and way of behaving as you point out in the next paragraph) a fashion freelancer would need to master."
Revision: (since this was my paper)
6- substantive
There were a wide range of comments that were used in this draft. General and specific comments that were both encouraging, detailed and unbiased. The comments were clear and to the point and were not discouraging.
Because there were text specific comments, such as giving imperative requests such as "hit the general overview of gee and swales," I observed that comments can be useful in order for a teacher to present what they are looking for, and for a student to be aware of their expectations. Positive text-specific comments gives specific insight to what a teacher wants and in what capacity. It is the perfect opportunity to see improvements that are needed in order to get a better grade. General comments may not give enough detail in order to support broader expectations. Therefore the revisions may not be as substantive.
Since I chose to do the sample draft I sent in, I am familiar with comments and how they helped me become aware of what was expected. If someone is not familiar with the assignment, they might not think that the comments were that specific. But, because I knew that I revised the paper accordingly and got a better mark, I know that the text-specific comments were helpful in doing so.
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