Wednesday, September 19, 2012


This is how I think the class would rate the stories from funniest to least funniest:

Coding the Shaggy Dog Stories:

The story that I thought was the least funniest was the #2. I think that this was the least funniest and ranked lower because it didn't have the punch line at the beginning at the end. The humor was the most different in this joke and it didn't deliver the same emotion that the other stories did. It also was much shorter (not the shortest) and did not have enough detail. I think having enough detail to build up suspense makes the punch line that much better, but too little information throws the timing off.

The story that I think the class though the funniest was number 1. I think that this story incorporates all of the aspects that an effective story should have. For example, the punch line is introduced at the beginning and the end and the amount of detail is perfect. The way that the ending incorporated with the words in the beginning, and the familiarity of the phrase made it a perfect punch line.

I think using a punch line that everyone can understand, detail and timing is very important in making a humorous story. There has to be enough detail to convey a certain emotion and context that matches the story, unlike the chestnut story which made me think of christmas rather than chess players.

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